The God Who’s Glad To See You – Book

‘The God Who’s Glad To See You’ – Peter Morton

God made us for relationship with Him!  Regular devotional times are a vital key to our spiritual growth, yet there are many common struggles we can face as we try to make devotionals a consistent part of our life:

  • Procrastination can prevent us from starting. 
  • Distractions can fight for our attention. 
  • Frustration and boredom can undermine our enthusiasm. 
  • Comparing our struggles with other’s ‘show-reels’ can make us feel like we’re failing.

In this book, Peter Morton tackles these challenges in a positive and practical way, drawing from his own journey with devotionals and bringing insights and tips that will help take your times with God from being sporadic and difficult – to regular and life-giving!   

Read A Preview Of The Book:

You can read a preview of the book here:

Recommendations For ‘The God Who’s Glad To See You’

This book addresses one of the most crucial areas of effective Christian living and is a MUST read … powerful, penetrating insights that are practical and highly relevant for today. Peter writes in a very easy to read style punctuated by honest testimony of his own journey. It is not only wonderfully empowering but written by a man of real integrity and proven credibility. Peter has done us all a great service in presenting these vital truths.

Kevin Forlong – Kevin Forlong Ministries, Australia

The practise of the quiet-place of communion with our Creator is neglected by many, yet it is this very space where God invites us to truly find, and know Him!  This incredible book is a must for every Believer who is serious about connecting/reconnecting with God, or who struggles with their personal closeness with Him. Easy to read yet profound, you will find yourself with a new appreciation for the quiet-place and an eagerness to meet God there again as soon as possible.

Symon Drake – Lead Pastor – Renew Church, Whangarei 

Pastor Peter Morton has written a real winner here!  One of the most asked questions I have had in 30 plus years of ministry is ‘How can I pray more effectively?’  The title of this book says it all.  God is waiting for our connection with Him daily.  I cannot recommend this book highly enough for the immensely practical approach.  I believe it will speak for many years to come. 

James Anson – Senior Pastor – Faithpointe Church, Auckland

‘The God who’s glad to see you’ is filled with honest observations, and practical tips that can propel your personal God time into a new space.  Peter is a practitioner of the insights in this book which have been gleaned through years of consistently connecting with God. If you can implement just a few of the nuggets from this book your future relationship with Jesus will thank you! 

Paul Saunders – Senior Pastor – Hope Centre, Lower Hutt

This book is a must for every Christian. Prayer is an essential part of a believer’s life. Peter reflects on his experience to bring to light the importance of entering into a deeper presence of God. His experience is practical. I recommend this book to every Christian which will certainly help you to draw close to Jesus.

Theo Nayagam – National Leader – Foursquare Gospel Churches of New Zealand

I highly recommend this book to all who are seeking God.  An encouragement and challenge is to be found by both new believers and those who are mature in the faith, to continue to draw closer to ‘The God who wants to see you’.  So readable because it is real, as what Peter has to say is illustrated with life stories that share the struggles and the triumphs of persevering in the most rewarding pursuit in life – ‘the life long journey of getting to know God’.  This book provides inspiration to not give up, but press on and  understand as the Apostle Paul did ‘the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord’ (Philippians 3:8)

Phil Sproul – Senior Pastor – Howick Community Church

I really loved reading this guide to expanding my personal devotion life.  Peter has expressed his heart openly and honestly, and that vulnerability is what drew me into the text.  I especially loved this quote from page 11: ‘if I want to have a powerful experience of God myself… then at some point I have to set aside time and venture out into new and maybe unfamiliar territory to meet with him.’  I’m sure you’ll grow in faith as you follow Peter’s lead and spend quality time with the Lord.

Phil Strong – Senior Pastor – Zion Church, Te Awamutu

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