Finding What You’re Looking For

So I read this verse this morning:

He who seeks good find goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it – Proverbs 11:27

It shows us that if we spend our lives looking for good things, we’ll find them.  But if we’re intent on finding that which is evil, or wrong – that’s what’s going to come to us.

I meet people all the time who have devoted their lives to uncovering evil.  In their relationships, in their jobs, throughout their life – they’re always looking for what’s wrong.  And you know what?  They find it… every time!  We live in an imperfect world, and if you examine anything hard enough for long enough, you’re going to start to find it’s flaws.

But there’s also those who give themselves to searching for the good.  Even in situations that are far less than perfect, they find what’s good.

What you focus on, you empower – Ps Phil Pringle

So the question really is – what kind of life do we want?  Do we want goodwill or evil continually knocking at our door?  Whatever we spend our time looking for – is what we’ll find.