
Some of the most powerful words in the Bible are the shortest words.  Words like allwill, nothing, and everything.  In the increasingly muddled, grey world that we live in today, where there is exception upon exception, and always a reason as to why ‘this doesn’t apply to me’ or ‘I’m different’ – the promises of the Bible stand resolute and firm.

I came across another pearler this morning in a book that I was reading… quoting from John 14:12:

“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father” – John 14:12 (Emphasis mine)

Anyone means… anyone.  For me, this one verse alone puts the nail in the coffin of cessationist thinking, and it breaks forever the clergy/laity paradigm.

Biblically, the only qualification you need to walk in the same power that Jesus walked in – is faith.  You don’t have to have a position, a title, a certificate, worldly influence, charisma, money or connections.  You can be popular or an outcast.  When Jesus says this power is open to anyone – He means it!

But not only does this verse hold for us great promise, it also holds us accountable.  It means there’s also no good reason for me not to be doing what Jesus did.  I can’t blame my history, my circumstances or my church leaders or oversight.  If my life is not seeing the same fruit that Jesus did, then my faith in Him needs examination – because Jesus’ words and promise don’t allow me any other excuse.

Everyone wants to be a ‘someone’.  But based on this… I’d rather be an ‘anyone’!