See The Glory

We were blessed at The River to have Ps James Anson give a great message last Sunday morning!  It felt like a real ‘now’ word for us as a church.

Something that really resonated for me in what he shared is the idea that not only is there an element of glory in all that God has made, but the importance of the right environment so that the glory can be seen.  He talked about a caged bird… having the glory and potential of flight, but not the capability. The right  environment is vital for gifts to be seen and to grow.

Ps James went on to talk about the presence of God, and how His presence is vital for us to grow and to move in the gifts He’s given.  It was so good being able to pray at the end of the meeting and see breakthroughs for people.

But the word ‘environment’ really got me thinking even more – and about two responsibilities that I believe we all have.

1) In any area that we have leadership over we need to create environments where the gifts of others can be seen and grow. 

Whether it’s as a parent with our kids, a teacher in a classroom, a manager at work, or amongst our friends and co-workers – each of us has power with our words and actions to shape environments.  The more encouragement, enthusiasm, life and hope that’s around our lives – the more others come to life when we’re around.

I believe this is the challenge that God extends to those who want to be great leaders.  Great leaders not only build great people, but they create great environments for them to operate in.

2) We need to find the way to flourish in the environment that God has placed us.  

Too often I hear people complaining about how someone else is to blame for them not being able to move in their gift.  Whether it’s their parents, their boss, their husband/wife, or even their pastor!  “If only they’d release me… then I could be all that God called me to be”.  They blame others or their situation for not using the gift that God has given them.

I think that’s rubbish…. and I’ll tell you why.  Look at Joseph in the Bible.  He was able to use his gifts at home, with Potiphar, in the prison and in the palace.  He didn’t wait for the environment to be made – he got on and used what he had in the place where he was positioned.

I’m convinced that in every place that God puts us, there is an opportunity for us to use the gifts that He’s given.  Maybe it might not be public, with lots of people cheering and shouting our name – but are we performing for the crowd or the audience of One?

So get that gift out and get going.  Create environments for others, and take the opportunities that God is giving you today.  The world needs to see Christ in you!!