Hanging On For The Win

Life is often about making tough sacrifices today because we’re looking forward to a better tomorrow.

Whether it’s holding back on eating that chocolate cake because you’re going for a weight goal, putting those night hours into a course to get you out of a dead-end job, or even putting up with less-than-perfect conditions in a group or team because you’re wanting the final win more than your temporary comfort.  We’ll never see greatness tomorrow without some kind of sacrifice today.

But I have to say, one of the most tragic things I see is people who pay great prices, and then pull out too soon – before they get the breakthrough.  They go through a season of pain for nothing.

I was struck by this thought this morning when I read this verse:

“Not one of them was among those counted by Moses and Aaron the priest when they counted the Israelites in the Desert of Sinai” – Numbers 26:64

Through Joshua, God parcelled out parts of the Promised Land to the Israelites.  They’ve made it.   This is reward day.  They’re now receiving the reward of their faith.  Yet with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, an entire generation – thousands upon thousands of people – missed that moment.  They’d been through seasons with no water, with no food, they’d been attacked and set upon… they’d endured hardships and pain… and for NOTHING.  They didn’t get what was promised because they gave up.

The thought of that makes me seriously want to stick in the journey through hardship!  I mean, if you’re going to go through the pain and suffering in life, if you’re going to make sacrifices and live a fasted life… then at least make sure you stick it out to the end to get the reward!

Paul gives us this encouragement:

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” – Galatians 6:9

God is preparing your life for wins.  He’s got a Promised Land ready to carve up for you, and He wants you to be there on the day He hands it out!  Don’t let difficulties, doubt or discouragement rob you of the reward you’ve already given so much for.  Hold in there and don’t give up… the prize is totally worth it!