Visionaries And Plodders

Was thinking this morning about two kinds of people – ‘visionaries’ and ‘plodders’.

Visionaries love to dream about the future, they make plans and live for what tomorrow will bring.  Plodders on the other hand are more concerned about today, about maintaining commitments and being wise with resources.

Visionaries tend to disdain plodders because they don’t tend to leap off cliffs and make bold decisions.  Plodders tend to disdain visionaries because they can be flighty and not see through the projects they start.

Most people would generally put themselves in one category or the other – but what struck me this morning was that to succeed in life we need to be both.

If you’re a plodder, it’s important to take time to dream and vision.  Don’t just let life happen to you – get intentional!  Ask yourself where your day to day plodding is taking you long term.

If you’re a visionary, embrace the plodding.  In order for those exciting projects and plans to come to pass, there’s a fair amount of plodding that needs to take place.  Don’t let discouragement set in – every step is taking you closer.