Stir It Up

Thinking today about the cripple sitting by the pool of Bethesda in John 5. The Bible says he was waiting for the pool to be stirred. Then thinking about 2 Tim 1:6 which encourages us to ‘stir up the gift of God’.

The man was healed that day not because the pool was stirred, but because Jesus had stirred His gift!!

It’s the same when it comes to walking in the power of the Spirit. Some can only move when the ‘pool is stirred’ – when they’re in an environment where things are already happening. But we’re called to ‘stir the gift’ – to get the environment set in the first place!

How do we do this? I find that to walk in the Spirits power requires an act of faith on my part. It might be summoning the courage to pray for someone. Or in my prayer times, deciding to laugh before the Spirits joy comes on me!! As we STIR the gifts God has given us – His power starts to flow.