God Is A Finisher!

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done – Genesis 2:1-2

I’m a great starter!  I get lots of ideas for things, and have found myself on the starting line of numerous projects over the course of my life.  Unfortunately I can’t always say that I’ve also found myself crossing the finishing line.  Anyone can start something – but not everyone finishes what they start.

But God is a FINISHER.  He doesn’t leave things incomplete.  It’s absolutely against His character and nature to do so.  When he begins something, He not only intends to finish it… He WILL finish it!

This gives me great hope when I read verses like:

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” – Philippians 1:6

My life is a work in progress.  But the one who is working on me is unbelievably persistent!  He… just… keeps… going… until… it’s… done! 

So… if God is a FINISHER and a COMPLETER – and He’s called me to be conformed to His likeness, then I too have to get serious about finishing what I start. 

There’s a process here too – FINISHED… RESTED…. BLESSED.  When something isn’t finished, we find it hard to rest.  We keep thinking about it, it dogs us at the back of our mind.  There are many people walking around today stressed simply because of the number of half-finished things they’ve got going on.  Completion brings rest.  And rest brings blessing.  To enter into a life of rest and blessing – one of the most practical things we can do is COMPLETE things!!

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