Hunger Follows Seeking

“God, you are my God. I will earnestly seek you. My soul thirsts for you. My flesh longs for you…” – Psalms 63:1

Often we can wait until we sense the urge to seek God before we start to actively seek Him.  But what this verse shows us is that our ‘soul thirsting for God’ follows a decision to ‘earnestly seek you’.  The decision to seek comes first – the thirst and hunger follows it.  It’s the result of the very first part of this verse – God being our God.  When He is our God we make a choice to seek Him, and our appetite for Him grows.  

It works the same way with natural hunger – in order to increase your appetite, you have to start by eating more (not that increasing a food appetitie is something most people want to do!).  What feels unnatural to begin with will start to become normal over time.  When it comes to seeking God – there’s a battle over your flesh that you must win first.  

If you seek God – even when you don’t feel like it – you’ll start to develop a hunger and thirst for Him that will grow!  You’ll begin to pray and worship outside of just Sundays – and His power and presence will begin to flow into every part of your life!