Another Perspective On Our Lives

Hear us, my lord. You are a prince of God among us. – Genesis 23:6

In the land that Abraham was living in he referred to himself as a ‘stranger and sojourner’.  His perspective on the situation was that he didn’t feel like he really belonged there, nor that the people really accepted him or wanted him around.

But the perspective of the people he lived with was that he was a ‘prince of God’.  They really appreciated his life and input! 

Most of us have no idea about how much the people around us appreciate our lives.  So often we can think that we don’t fit in or aren’t ‘needed’ amongst work colleagues or school friends or even our family.  But we don’t see how they truly see us. 

Know today that there is no encouraging word, no loving act, no sacrifice that you’re making for other people that is ultimately going unnoticed.  The people around you see it.  Sometimes they may not be great at telling you how much they appreciate you – but then it’s important that we continue to live not for the roar of the crowd, but for the audience of one – Jesus.  Don’t make decisions based on what you think that other people think about you. Make them based on what the Son of God says… and you will live a life where the people around you will say ‘You are a Prince Of God amongst us’!